Friday 10 August 2007

Any chance of that freedom yet?

Dear Britain and USA

Just wondering if there is any chance I could have that freedom that you promised me a few years ago yet? I don't want to come across as ungrateful or anything its just that I thought, you know, with Big Saddy gone I would have got it by now.

It'd be great if you could get it to me ASAP. The kids have been anticipating it for ages now and they are getting a little restless and you know what its like trying to keep 'em under control when they're upset. I could do the whole " kill a few of em to keep them quiet" thing that we used to do way back before 2001 but I'm worried one of them may phone Social Services and they'll take em off me for good.

So, sooner the better please chaps.

Get back soon


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