Saturday 11 August 2007

Kids vs Gnomes

First published August 11th 2007, The Bolton News

I CANNOT believe that, in this day and age, children are still allowed to play outside their own houses.

What are the parents thinking?

I refer to the story "Street is split over children's football games" in The Bolton News (Wednesday, August 8).

I think it is ridiculous that other residents' associations would actually make the effort to look at providing areas for these young people to play safely - rather than just banishing them to watching violent films on YouTube or going out to beat up 60 year-old men!

Let's hope that the Jessop Forge Residents' Association wins its battle to stop children playing in their gardens. Then we can all sleep safely in the knowledge that garden gnomes everywhere will never be harmed again.


Anonymous said...

Nice blog, found it from rate my blog. Are your posts written by you? They are really good, I look forward to your next posts, even though I don't live in Bolton!

Teeps said...

yeah write em all. Only when im annoyed though.